Faith & Life Taster Evenings
Do you ever find that:
• there are big issues in the world that make you question your faith?
• there is a mismatch between your Sunday faith and the rest of your life?
• you wish you knew your way around the Bible a little better?
• you would just like to explore things further?
• you are simply wondering about your life in relation to God’s plan?
• there are big issues in the world that make you question your faith?
• there is a mismatch between your Sunday faith and the rest of your life?
• you wish you knew your way around the Bible a little better?
• you would just like to explore things further?
• you are simply wondering about your life in relation to God’s plan?
The Faith & Life course can help! But it’s quite a commitment …
To give you an idea of what the course involves Lindisfarne is holding two ‘taster evenings’ on 11 May and 18 May, both at 7pm at St Peter’s Church, York Avenue, Jarrow. On both evenings you’ll hear from people who have completed Faith & Life, find out what it’s like to be on the course and try out some of the course materials.
You are welcome to come along to one evening or both. Please contact Jenny Crawford, Administrator by email or telephone 0191 270 4144 if you would like to attend.
Coming along to the ‘taster evening’ does not commit you in any way to the actual course. More information on Faith & Life can be found here.