Welcome to Lindisfarne

Lindisfarne College of Theology is a Church of England training college preparing people for ministries of various kinds, across all Christian churches.

We take our name from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, with its rich history of Christian spirituality – but we are not based on the island itself. We work across Durham and Newcastle Dioceses, delivering our weekly teaching in Church of England centres just outside Durham (Cuthbert House) and in North Shields (Church House). All our training is deeply rooted in our local North Eastern context.

At Lindisfarne College of Theology we offer

  • a community of learning – theological and formational
  • a context for training – rooted in the local
  • a calling to a journey – responsive to God’s call

If you are preparing for authorised ministry in the Church of England, then in dialogue with your Diocese we can help you. Our students are training for a wide range of ministries: ordained ministry as a priest or deacon, reader ministry as a licensed lay minister, and other roles such as ‘Authorised Lay Minister of the Word’, ‘Lay Pastoral Minister’ or being part of the Church of England’s ‘Ministry Experience Volunteer’ scheme. Talk to your Diocese (Durham or Newcastle) and talk to us.

If you are looking for study and training to deepen your Christian faith or prepare for service wherever you are, in whatever church where you worship, then we can help you too. Get in touch with us to talk about joining one of our courses – we have many wonderful students from outside the Church of England studying with us.

We work at a range of levels: from taster 1-year part-time courses up to full postgraduate MA courses. But most of all, we work together to make training and study work for you. At Lindisfarne we say: No size fits all!

We hope you will enjoy exploring our website to see what we have to offer.

Revd Dr Richard Briggs

Principal, Lindisfarne College of Theology


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    Looking to explore the opportunities in ministry?

    Here at Lindisfarne we have a range of ministry courses to offer, take look to see if any are right for you.

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    "I warmly commend Lindisfarne College of Theology. Lindisfarne offers an inclusive approach to theological education. The staff have significant skills and experience in working with those from a wide variety of theological traditions, and also students from disadvantaged backgrounds and with Special Educational Needs. The College works closely with local dioceses, and is responsive to their training needs and requests. You will find a learning community which has a diverse and rich ecology of people learning together as Christian disciples for lay and ordained ministries. The programmes combine evening, weekend and residential training in a number of centres. These create a rich community of prayer that leads to a deep journey of transformation and growth. The suite of programmes leads to Durham University awards via the Common Awards Hub - from Foundation Award to MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission. The programmes are supported by excellent theological resources through the North East Religious Resources Centre (Durham and North Shields) and online resources through the Common Awards Moodle Hub."

    The Rt Revd Rob Saner-Haigh, Bishop of Penrith

    "Set in the context of the land of the Northern Saints with its rich heritage of mission, spirituality and learning, Lindisfarne College of Theology provides a unique opportunity for the formation of God’s people, equipping them for the work of the gospel today. Ordinands and Readers from the Diocese of Durham have achieved exceptional academic results through Lindisfarne. Lay training for specific ministries has been delivered to a high standard with flexibility, appreciating that discipleship development requires a multifaceted approach."

    The Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster