Lindisfarne Forum Launches Book Groups

Three new book groups have been set up linked to the Lindisfarne Interfaith and Ethics Forum. The Forum seeks to provide an informal learning opportunity to people of a wide range of backgrounds, of all faiths and no faith. It seeks to promote listening and learning on a deep level, and understanding of points of view different to our own (with no sense that we necessarily should adopt those views!).

The book groups are linked informally to the Forum and so have similar aims. This means that occasionally questions will be raised in connection with the books chosen that touch on matters of religious faith and/or of ethics. However, the main aim of the book groups is to share our enjoyment of reading and to learn from the views of others.

Book group meetings are being held in the following locations:

St Paul’s Centre, George Street, Willington Quay, Wallsend

Newcastle City Library, in the cafe on the Princess Square level

Durham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham

Anyone is welcome to join but please email if you would like to come along to one of these groups, or if you would like more information.

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